How can I return an order?
You have 15 days, from the receipt of your package, to make the total or partial return of the order.
Only products that are in perfect condition and in their original packaging can be returned. Personalized products (with name or color), used products or already manipulated vinyl can NOT be returned.
Our canvases mounted on frames or frames are unique, personalized creations for each customer, and therefore, no returns will be accepted.
All StarStick wallpapers are made to order, being exempt from withdrawal. If the papers received have any manufacturing error or defect, StarStick will be responsible for its return, but if the product is received in perfect condition, no changes will be made since they are considered personalized products.
The transport costs derived from the return of the product will be borne by the User, provided that the product is not defective or wrong.
Reason for return:
Wrong orders or in poor condition
If you have received a defective or wrong product, please contact our Customer Service team by writing an email to . Attach the order number, photograph of the product received and reason for the return. Our team will contact you to make the return at no cost . Remember, if you manipulate the vinyl you will not be able to return it under any circumstances. Once the client installs or manipulates the product, it cannot be returned under any circumstances.
Other reasons
If you want to return a product for any reason other than a wrong product or in poor condition, write an email to . Attach the order number and reason for the return. The transport costs to send us the product will be at your expense. Once the product has been received and verified that it is in perfect condition, we will process the refund of the amount of the product (without shipping costs) with the same system that the payment was made. If you made the payment by bank transfer, you will have to provide us with your IBAN code in order to make the refund. Keep in mind that from StarStick we do not accept packages postage due or cash on delivery.
You have two options to send us the product:
independent shipping
You hire any transport agency with which you trust and send us the package to the following postal address. From StarStick we only accept packages that are delivered to our facilities. We do not make collections in the Post Office or in any other company.
StarStick VinylsFolch i towers, 5 B08500 - VicCollection at the door (Valid only for collections in the peninsula)
From StarStick we offer you the package collection and management service. The service has a cost of €6. To contract it you have to access the following link: RETURN